Travel DOs and DON'Ts
We have all made some mistakes before going on vacation, therefore these mistakes will make the trip to hassle.These can be avoided and that’s why I will be listing “Do Not Make These Mistakes Before Traveling” list. Although there are so many reasons but these are the most common ones that happens to almost everybody.
Not Choosing the Right Fabric
Almost every person has experienced this. That’s why I include it in “Do Not Make These Mistakes Before Traveling” list. In order not to make the most common mistakes before traveling, be sure to know the type of destination weather .
Choosing the right fabric may be the last thing on your mind. But it is better to know that in traveling, choosing clothes with the right fabric is very important. You may always need ironing or dry cleaning when traveling. For warmer climates, choose cotton, rayon or silk, and for cooler or colder climates, choose wool, knitwear or cashmere.
Having Many Pairs of Shoes
please Don’t make this mistake. I list it on “Do Not Make These Mistakes Before Traveling” . Having several pairs of shoes with you is also a pre-trip mistake that many travelers make. You do not need to take more than three pairs of shoes with you; Unless you’re planning to attend a wedding.
For your trip, take a pair of walking shoes, an extra pair of shoes and a comfortable shoe like sandals. Too much of this will make your luggage heavier and will also cause a bad smell in the luggage. If you are going to wear high heels, avoid shoes with very high heels and try to wear shoes with medium heels.
Not Checking the Weather
One of the most common mistakes before traveling is not checking the weather at your destination. In addition to being clean and stylish, travel clothes should also be functional in different climates. If your destination city has a rainy climate, be sure to bring a waterproof jacket and boots. If you are traveling to a city or country with a dry climate, wear light and cool clothes for the day and choose a heater and pants for the nights. Be sure to check the weather before the trip and try to have a weather forecast application on your mobile phone.
Carrying Metal Accessories
Metal accessories always improve the style; But having too many belts, shoes, bags, bracelets and other metal accessories can make it difficult for you at the airport, museum or church. If you do not want to linger in different places for this reason, it is better to use a light leather bag and be more careful in choosing accessories. Meta items are mostly hassle, so carrying these items are among “Mistakes Before Travel”
Ignoring the Local culture
It is No No!!! I have to emphasize it in “Mistakes Before Travel”. Having a sporty style may look good and stylish in many countries around the world; But in countries like Japan and South Korea, it not only makes you look irregular, it also disrespects the culture of those countries. Wearing slipper slippers in Arab, Indian and Buddhist countries, wearing body clothes in the Middle East and North Africa makes local people feel disrespected for their culture.
Before traveling to any country, it is a good idea to read about their culture and customs, as well as the religion of the people. If you carry a large scarf or shawl, it will be easier to travel to religious and traditional countries.
Carry Large Items
If you want your equipment to be lighter, it’s better to have a travel size with you than anything else. Lotions, creams, cosmetics, masks and skin and hair care products all come in travel sizes. You can also get small bottles and containers for each to take up less space in your equipment.
Other Common Mistakes
– Not doing proper research on your destination
– Having an over-ambitious itinerary
– Short Layover at the airport
– Relying totally on Guide Books
– Not backing up the photos and losing them
– Not knowing the hidden foreign charges in your credit card
– Keeping your money in one place
What are the mistakes you made in your travels? Leave a comment…..